Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New viral video for Prometheus

Prometheus has launched a canny bit of viral marketing, by which Guy Pearce's character Peter Weyland provides a TED talk (a non-profit organisation devoted towards the discussing of ideas) on artificial intelligence.The recording shows Weyland addressing a packed auditorium around 2023 (a couple of years prior to the occasions portrayed in Prometheus are positioned), and providing them with a rundown around the story of Prometheus, the guy who tried to steal fire in the Gods.From his assertion the Gods subsequently "overreated" towards the rather high conclusion that "we're the Gods now", the theme of overreaching ambition can there be for those to determine, spelling difficulties for the crew from the Prometheus within the following years.Have a look in the new video, below... Other tips to notice are Weyland's assertion that cyborgs will quickly be indistinguishable from humans (Michael Fassbender's character is really a cyborg) and the promise to alter the planet. We still have no idea what his Prometheus crew are searching for, but it is clearly something which will have a big effect on civilisation.Pearce is both charming and menacing throughout this new teaser, and hopefully we'll learn more in the slippery businessmen within the coming days. Meanwhile you should check out the Weyland Industries website, another area of the film's viral campaign.Prometheus opens within the United kingdom on 1 June 2012.

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