Saturday, June 25, 2011

I know I shouldn't ask this cause so many will hate?

Do you like Jersey Shores. I love it and I don't know why. I usually
HATE reality tv. I don't tend to watch any of it,but I am hooked on
Jersey Shores. I laugh my as* off and think its funny. Maybe because
they are young and still in to drinking, partying, and making
mistakes. Also Sammie and Ronny's relationship is the craziest,
scariest relationship I have seen. I am a lot older and don't drink or
party anymore. So I am surprised I like it. I'm 37 turning 21 (again)

What do others feel about the show. I know i just opened up a full
scale of haters. That is okay people are entitled to there own
opinion,just please be gentle

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